Monday, January 5, 2009


It's Tibs, what can i say


Not at all, but pretty close and its cheap. Not too sure how it compares to the Ceviche, but if you have 45 bucks laying around its worth a shot. check them out at

Maryhill rreefide

A Maryhill freeride session is set for march 28 and 29, the event will cost 109 dallars and is only open to the first 90 or so riders to sign up. It's a closed freeride, so no prizes, just hay bales, EMT’s, safety workers, and shuttles. Timeship has also been able to get some companies to throw in some demo boards which you will be able to test throughout the weekend. the boards will be auctioned off at the end of the weekend and the proceeds will go to the City of Goldendale to help with the creation of a concrete skate park. Sounds like fun, wish i could go.

more info here!